Friday 23 August 2013

Books and some Brew.....

Hello guys..!!
So I know I have been away for quite some time now. Again a lot was happening. As usual I had a couple of days of hanging out with my bestie Ritu. I bought a couple of lipsticks (hihihi…my new found interest…!!)
For the long weekend we had (thanks to our independence day falling on Thursday), I took the opportunity to run away from the monotony of my life to spend some time with my favourite cousin-cum-best friend Shiviya (we call her shivi…!) to Chandigarh . I guess most of you must have been there atleast once in your lives. But just in case if some of you have not, let me tell you a little bit about that city.
The first thing that you would invariably feel and see in Chandigarh is the lush greenery that is everywhere to relax and soothe you. Well for a delhiite like me, who is constantly stuck between the dhool-mitti in the midst of this concrete jungle, Chandigarh is nothing short of a respite and breather.
There are trees all around, clean broad roads which are really not buzzing with cars 24x7. There is parks all around. The place where I was staying had 3 parks within a radius of 200 metres.  Clear skies, students all around and some nice small food joints. I had a really good time there.
Me and shivi went to the university for some time. It was a very different experience for me. The guys and girls were dressed in all bright colors, guys more so than girls…!!! The next day we went to a small café located in sector 16. And this place and the food that they served is the basic reason for this very post.
The place is called ‘Books N Brew’. A small cosy place with furniture and décor which was very rustic, all wood. There were chairs for you to sit and also low couches for kids to relax. There were bunk bed-type things, on which you could climb and stretch your legs..!! You could play games such as ludo, jenga, uno and the likes while waiting for your food. The walls had photographs and paintings, and also shelves on which you could find a really good collection of books to read. Now coming on to the food. The menu was very basic with soups, maggi (the ultimate choice for a lot of students who visit there..!), sandwiches, pastas and pizzas. There was a choice for basic Chinese food as well. This café serves both vegetarian and non vegetarian food with a great array of teas and coffees and not to forget desserts. I must also add that however simple the menu seemed, I expected some lovely food.
We ordered a simple cold coffee, B5 (decoded as – Books n Brew’s Brownie Bonanza Blast) and a Barbeque chicken pizza. The order took a little while to arrive and so we started playing jenga to pass the time. The food came and it looked fairly basic, no fancy shmancy stuff. I took a large sip of my coffe and I knew right then that this is going to be gooood…!!  I am a fairly big foodie and I have tried pizza from all these big restaurants in delhi (the likes of Amici’s wood oven baked ones!) and you have to trust me when I say that the barbeque pizza that I had in this lovely small place was nothing I could compare it to..!!  It had the right amount of cheese, the right amount of toppings, perfect crisp on the edges (if u know what I mean, edges on a round!!) and was simply marvelous. It was by far the juiciest pizza I have ever put in my mouth. The quantities were very good too and at very very nominal prices.

For all of you planning to go to Chandigarh, I would suggest you all to go to this amazing place. The address is SCO 8, first floor, sector 16, Chandigarh.
Here are a few pics to tell you how the food looked.

that is my cold coffee, B5 and the barbeque chicken pizza...!

see how yummy and juicy it looks...!!!

P.S : Did I mention that the music also was really really good. Nothing too loud or garish. Simple soulful but not boring, in fact it was upbeat (and no hindi or Punjabi music!)

P.P.S : Sorry I clicked only these pics, was too busy eating and relaxing…!!

Till next time…
Take care of yourselves guys and have a good time..!!


  1. glad to know dat u had a nice time :)
    n I stared at dis pizza pic fr 2 min ...yummmmmm

    1. lol...of course i had a fun time..!!u had to read dis post to kno dat...!?!?

  2. Replies
    1. oh yes..believe was..!!
      thank u for taking the time to read my post praveen.. :)


Thank you for your time.. your words are appreciated...!