Saturday 7 June 2014

My excuse for being MIA...

Hi everyone...!  I hope all of you out there are having an amazing time of your lives with happiness and positivity all around you..!
I would start off with giving you a brief overview as to why I was missing from the scene for such a long time. Well, I had always been very passionate about writing, food and music since the time I was very little. And that is why I started to write my views and thoughts on this space some 3 years back. Then life continued and I shifted from one job to another. Currently I am working for a health insurance firm since the last 1.5 years. This is a no fuss 9-6 desk job, exactly what I had always wanted (being a lazy bum that I am!!). So, the last 1.5 years happened in a jiffy with a lot happening in all directions, kept me too busy. Too busy that I forgot and somehow overlooked my love for writing. Thus, the blog got ignored unintentionally. 

But with inspiration from my best friend Ritu Rajput from, I had promised myself that I would not let this die this time around. She is a successful blogger and has been my pillar of strength, support and friendship since the last 10 years and knows exactly what makes me really happy. She shares my passion for food too..!! So here I am today keeping up my promise and sharing some food pictures that I had the pleasure of creating and savouring in the last few days...!!

I hope you guys enjoy looking at these home made simple dishes. They made me really happy..!!

That is some veggie pulao with aloo sabzi and some crispy masala bhindi...!!

my super easy chocolate cake...!! ready in a jiffy..

Does it look yum....? Or does it look yum...?!?!

Yummy south indian style fried rice..lots of veggies and soya nuggets...

Super Duper yummy chicken biryani with homemade chilli-garlic chutney...!!!

I hope you liked what i enjoyed making..!!

Have a great day...and keep smiling...!!!

Cheers.... :)


  1. omg.. thank you is a small little word, but thanks!
    and have some mercy! post recipes too next time :'( I wanna learn baking like you :\

  2. thank u so much ritu... will surely share the recipes with you.. :)

  3. Welcome back :)
    And the best things about blogging is that one can always get a fresh start!

    Hoping to hear more from you. O:)

    1. Hey Varun...! Thank you for stopping by... :)
      I hope that i wouldn't have to make another 'fresh start' after this one..!


Thank you for your time.. your words are appreciated...!