Friday 26 October 2012

i quit my job.....wise or stupid..!??!

Yes, as mentioned earlier i resigned from my job in September, and I am at home since the beginning of the month..And I am wondering 'Did i do the right thing..?'..
For some background  I would like to mention here that I am a physiotherapist but was working in a very reputed hospital since the last one year.
As I was working there, I started to realize that I was becoming more and more frustrated as the time passed. I had uneven uncomfortable shifts. I had almost no social life and i had night shifts too. Well, I guess everyone with a medical background would feel that this is what happens with them too ..but they dont quit..! They hang in there, slowly and slowly trying to make this a 'given' in their lives.
Call me stupid or call me unambitious or lame....but I am not someone who would give away their peace of mind for something as temporary as a job..! I wanna be happy..and my happiness lies in the little things that we do when we are relaxed and are actually observing life...I agree that some of you would choose a job over some peace of mind which 'you can achieve once you have accomplished earning some more money'....but when I prioritized, I figured that that's not for me..!
Maybe I am one of those lucky ones...I can actually afford to give away my job (in terms of the monetary aspect).But I don't think I need to live under the burden of not doing justice to myself just because I am one of those privileged ones.

I may be lame....
But i chose...........
And  I am HAPPY..!

P.S: Here is the pic of some yummm Italian style peas and baked potatoes with a hint of oregano and chaat masala I made yesterday...! Check out the pic...and share your views....


Thank you for your time.. your words are appreciated...!