Thursday 18 October 2012 obsession...!!

Hey.....Hows d sunshine..!?
Well...the day is going pretty good for me..! I have absolutely been enjoying my day...relaxing...and cooking..!!
Conforming with my self-confessed obsession with using rice in my cooking...I again made something with rice-an indian Fried rice dish..! Well, the good thing about this is that I used leftover boiled rice from last night..!
Here's how they looked....

So, if u guys would be a little interested in what all i put in's how it went:
First, i chop some capsicum, tomatoes and garlic (lots of garlic..!). Also, i sliced one onion, soaked some soya nuggets and microwaved some peas.....Then , i took some oil in a wok. Put mustard seeds in it. Once they spluttered, i added the chopped garlic and sauteed it. After that, i put the chopped onions and sauteed them too till they were a little pink. Then i added my chopped tomatoes and some chopped green chilli. I like my food a little spicy and i like to have some innovation while i, i added some readymade  'aloo masala'..!!tada...!! I put some regular seasoning as well...This was followed by capsicum, peas and the soaked nuggets...Then i put the boiled rice...Cooked it a little...Sprinkled lots of coriander and some dash of lemon...!!!!And VOILA....!! The most yummy rice....!!(Psst...i say that every time i look at what i make...!! )

Well, i hope you liked my yummy rice as much as me..!!
Till next time.....
Be happy...!!

P.S: I apologise for the sloppy pics...i know i could have done better...!! But it was just too tempting and i just could not wait any longer to eat it down..!! (which i did in about...5 mins...!!)


  1. when do I get to eat this? God, I so miss college days! sigh!

    1. yea...i wanna share dis wid u soo much..for a true review..!! hehe..!


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